If your program is interested in the Total Club Program, complete steps 1 and 2.
PLEASE NOTE: The forms are "fillable" forms that you may type in rather than having to fill in by hand or you may submit the data electronically through email in an Excel or Word table format and follow up by sending your payment in the regular mail.
Step 1: AmeriKiDs Total Club Membership
Step 2: Foy Insurance Wrap Around Policy * Exclusive group insurance with savings up to 40% when you become a member of AmeriKiDs!
What makes our competitve program so unique? We provide a level of competitition for athletes who work out 6 hours or less a week! We strive to provide judging that is as constructive and as consistent as possible and work to create a less stressful environment to compete in. Excellence is always the goal with an emphasis on enjoying what each of us do within the Amerikids gymnastics program, whether it be a coach, athlete or parent. With a much lower overall cost for the clubs, opportunity for coaches, less time in the gym for athletes and parents who find this option much more affordable, everyone wins!
If your program is interested in the Competitive Program, please complete the registration outlined below.
PLEASE NOTE: The forms are "fillable" forms that you may type in rather than having to fill in by hand or you may submit the data electronically through email in an Excel or Word table format and follow up by sending your payment in the regular mail.
Step 1: Club Membership for competing only
Step 2: Competitive Membership for athletes**
**If your club is insured through our AmeriKiDs Total Club Program (See above) each individual athlete must join AmeriKids as an competitive member at a cost of $10 per athlete. Submit this competitive fee to complete registration. Each member athlete is covered, within the policy limits, with the excess accident insurance at sanctioned events. Each athlete's coverage is good for one year from the time they are signed up. Your coaching staff is covered for general liability in working with these registered member athletes.